Don’t Ignore Problems

Mold is not your friend. Molds can cause serious allergies to the residents of the houses where they exist. Mold exposure should definitely be avoided. Any hint of mold in the house should not be ignored. If you see any visible symptoms like discoloration of any surface due to presence of mold colonies or a foul smell due to high concentration of mold spores in the surrounding air, immediately call mold inspecting experts to your house for thorough mold inspection and testing.  Any recent health symptom related to mold exposure to any family member should not be ignored either.

We are a premiere company providing mold inspection and testing services in Philadelphia. Mold Testing is an experts job and we have a team of such highly qualified experts who know where all and how to find a mold on any property. Our lab features latest equipment and follows latest procedures in the field of mold testing. Our experts are available round the year to help you trace mold in your house or commercial building. We don’t provide any kind of remediation service and thus don’t have any vested interest in providing you a false report. Please reach us as early as possible if you suspect any kind of mold intrusion on your property. We will be happy to help.

Effects of molds on Heath

As such molds are not always our enemies.  They in fact are our friend when they clean up the environment by decomposing dead plant and animals. In the process they recycle the all-important nutrients as well.  But they can pose serious health threats when present indoors in our houses. There effects though depend on relative strengths of our immune system. For example some people may remain unaffected even under large mold exposure. Whereas people with weaker immune, often due to some sickness are more prone to acquire mold related side effects. These health effects by molds can be minor as well very serious in nature. Minor effects may be including skin rash, congestion, cough burning eye sensation and running nose etc. Serious effects are mostly aggravated situation during an illness.

By all accounts mold is not a good guest and definitely should be avoided. Any slightest hint of molds in house should alert you to call mold inspection experts for thorough, mold inspection and mold testing of your house.