Signs of Mold Intrusion

Molds are not big enough for you to be able to notice them readily with naked eyes. These are microorganisms, very small to be seen by the naked eye unaided. Molds can be seen only if there is a large proliferation in the form of mold colony. And another important point to mention here is, you can see them only if they are in front of eyes. But mold can travel and camp to very remote corners of your house. They can be at corners that are not easily in the field of view of eyes. For example, you may not be checking wall cracks or back side of your furniture or under the carpet, but these are some common places for molds to grow and prosper.  Hence it is always recommended to go for mold testing whenever you suspect a mold presence in your house.

We are not a mold remediation company. We only provide mold inspection and mold detection services.  Hence we don’t have any vested interest and have no tie ups with remediation companies in Philadelphia.Mold testing is the only service we provide.

The chief source of food for molds is organic matter which is present virtually everywhere. So there always exists some possibility of mold presenceat every place.Moisture is one of the foremost requirements for molds to thrive. Hence the lists of places which are common for mold formation are those with high moisture content. Being aware about molds and mold requirements is thus important. Below are some of the possible hints that should alert you of mold intrusion in your house.

  1. Foul and strange smell (High mold spore concentration)

High concentration of molds in air will cause it to smell strange. Any strange smell should ring an alarm for you that your house might be infected by molds, hence a good time to call mold inspection and mold testing expert for a thorough mold inspection and mold testing of your house.

  1. Visible signs of mold formation on surface

Molds can proliferate in form mold colonies.  Large colonies of mold can easily be seen by naked eye. If you observe any kind of discoloration on walls, floor or any other surface than it may be because of mold presence. High time you should consider calling mold inspector and get the house thoroughly inspected.